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#20: How to Write for Inc, Entrepreneur, Mashable and Build a Business with Social Influencer, John Rampton

About the Episode:

In today’s episode, we’re talking to John Rampton, the Founder of—an online payments service (and much more) that’s great for working with contractors, freelancers, and remote employees.

John is also a frequent contributor to pretty much all of the biggest online publications—Mashable, TechCrunch, Entrepreneur, Inc, Forbes, you name it—he’s probably been there. John was recently named #3 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of the top 50 online influencers in the world, in part due to his incredibly engaged Twitter following of 1.5 Million people.

Things weren’t always so glamorous for John though.

During college, he experienced a pretty traumatizing accident while earning some extra money helping a friend out on a construction site. His leg was broken in several parts, he had multiple surgeries and doctors told him he’d never walk again.

It took him almost 3 years of rehab and 10’s of thousands of dollars in expenses each month, but he eventually recovered. And what could’ve been this very dark time for John, instead became the foundation for his next business – he got into online marketing, hiring contractors, and growing an affiliate marketing business in the real estate space.

In Today’s Episode, We Talk About:

[02:25] What book John is reading at the moment.
[03:55] How he became an entrepreneur at a very young age.
[05:19] His first side hustle at the age of 14, which he sold for $2,500.
[07:42] Side hustles he started while at college.
[10:07] The traumatizing accident he had while at college.
[13:13] His first foray into the world of marketing.
[15:42] His revenue figures over the years at his company, ADOGY.
[16:08] The most successful growth channel he’s used at ADOGY to get new clients.
[17:10] The early days of DUE.
[18:39] The most effective marketing channel for DUE.
[19:19] He talks about investing and building a community on Twitter.
[20:04] His piece of advice on how to choose the most suitable social network for your side hustle.
[21:10] His best piece of advice on how to start your side hustle today.
[22:19] What sacrifices he’s had to make for his businesses.
[23:23] His advice on how to get your content published in major publications.
[24:31] Tactics and strategies he’s tested that have failed.
[25:06] The best investment he has made over the years.


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Resources Mentioned:

Top of Mind by John Hall, founder of Influence & Co

Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz


John on Mashable

Connect with My Guest:

John on Facebook and Twitter

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Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

Blogger, podcaster and recovering side project addict. Head of Content at Close. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog, make money blogging and grow a profitable side business. Be sure to try my popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer tool, as well. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter and YouTube about our feelings (and blogging, of course).

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